Thursday, April 29, 2021

An Ounce Of Humidity...And This Is What Happens

Heehee...I know I made a joke up there in my title, because this beauty chose to have her hair look like this and that's SO okay with me. I love this type of hair and I really love the intentionally messy hair look or the intentionally wild hair look and I really think it qualifies as intentional because of the rest of the way you look. Like, if your clothes are all old because you have on your paintin' clothes or your backyard gardin' clothes, then your hair just might not look so sexy if it's messy or wild, but if you're wearin' a sexy tight dress, or sexy lingerie, or a sexy top and bottom, then the messy or wild hair is intentional and it looks sexy! Actually, for me, I don't really care what you're wearin' if you have intentionally messy or wild just really turns me on.

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