Thursday, July 22, 2021

Hey, My Boobs Are Down Here! get it? You know, because her eyes are so gorgeous and different that you'd be lookin' at her eyes instead of her...oh, I've always been told that if you have to explain a joke it wasn't funny, so hopefully some of you got it, got the weird humor spoutin' from my lil' ol' brain. When I make out with someone, I usually close my eyes and get lost in all the sensations I feel without havin' sight, but with this one, I don't think I'd be able to close my eyes. Well, I'd have to ask her to keep her eyes open too, so this might not work! Boy, I'm such an idiot sometimes, and I actually wonder if anyone reads these little blurbs, because I just type what's comin' from my mind without really thinkin' about it...Pineapple!

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